American Cancer Society (ACS)
Value of lung cancer screening and pulmonary nodule evaluation programs.
Value of lung cancer screening and pulmonary nodule evaluation programs.
AI solutions across a variety of disease states, including dementia and cancer related.
Assessment evaluating and quantifying the financial value of standardizing disparate EMR’s onto a single EHR platform.
Ambulatory solutions, including practice management, revenue cycle, documentation, scheduling, and others.
Assessment evaluating the financial impact of implementing Epic’s EHR across all Sutter Health affiliates.
AI solutions and additional value generated from supporting AI platform and AI implementation.
Value of lung cancer screening and pulmonary nodule programs for FFS, VBC, and VA.
Infusion pumps, including charge capture, patient safety, reduced device Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
Custom post-live assessment evaluating the financial benefit by migrating to Epic’s EHR platform.
Text-based secure communications solution among providers, payers, and patients.
Health plan solution to enable healthcare consumers to more efficiently access provider information.
Analytics, benchmarks, research solutions for hospitals, employers, government, health plans, clinicians, and others.
Custom Consulting Services to assist in valuing the financial impact of Blood Bank Services and Management.
Assessment evaluating and quantifying the financial value of standardizing disparate EMR’s onto a single EHR platform.
Assessment evaluating the financial impact of implementing Epic’s EHR across healthcare affiliates.
Cancer Screening, Incidental Findings, Tumor Conference and Therapy Response solutions.
Wearable device providing continuous surveillance monitoring for patients in general care setting.
Distributed by NLCRT, FHG created a financial forecasting tool to assist in understanding the financial impact of the implementation and expansion of high quality lung cancer screening and pulmonary nodule evaluation programs
A Financial Value Assessment for Quest Diagnostics’ Care360 EHR and Care360 Data Exchange solutions.
A series of individual Financial Value Assessments for their solutions, including; Asset Management, Charge Capture, EMR Interoperability, Infusion Viewer, Knowledge Portal, and PCA Pause.
A Financial Value Assessment for Verge’s Converge Platform, including modules for Accreditation & Regulatory, Claims, Credentialing, Event Management, Patient Relations, and Peer Review as well as a post-live assesment with a key Verge customer.