The FiscalHealth Group, the “ROI Leaders in Healthcare”, has many years of experience gathering insight and developing financial models supporting the financial ROI of Healthcare IT solutions.  We have modeled the financial benefits for a variety of healthcare organizations, creating sales tools to help our customers successfully sell on the financial value/ROI of their solutions.  Over the years, this ROI modeling experience has created many “Lessons Learned” and we would like to share these modeling experiences with you in this Education Series.

In this Education Series, we will:

  • Address financial modeling topics we consider most important for selling to healthcare organizations
  • Help you understand what economic buyers (i.e., CFO, CEO) consider critical in ROI financial modeling
  • Present robust descriptions of financial modeling concepts that may not be clearly understood by all

This Education Series will help you better understand the strategies, concepts, and challenges of creating a financial ROI and leverage these topics to successfully sell to healthcare organizations.  We will refresh this Education Series frequently and if you have any thoughts, topic recommendations, or feedback, please send us a note (info@thefiscalhealthgroup).

Best Practices in ROI Modeling

The FiscalHealth Group has been creating ROI sales tools since 2007, and its principals have many years of ROI modeling expertise from previous positions. We’d like to leverage this experience and expertise by sharing some of our best practices that we use when creating ROI models. We will review modeling approaches and “helpful hints” that have been successful for us in the past, and identify approaches that didn’t resonate so well with our financial audiences.

Valuing Inventory Benefits for an ROI is Complicated – We’re Here to Help!

Inventory is expensive, tying up money that could otherwise be used for more productive investments, such as your product!  In this paper, we’ll help you understand how to value inventory reduction benefits as part of your sales efforts.

Best ROI Measures to Share with CFOs

When providing an ROI analysis for your investment proposal, it is critical to develop your financial analysis in a manner that is credible for CFOs and other economic buyers.  In this installment of our Education Series, we help you understand different ROI measures and how to successfully use and position them in your sales process.

Selling Healthcare IT in a COVID-19 World

We address how, in a post-COVID-19 world, constrained budgets will impact your future sales efforts.  Only proposals that solve a problem, present low risk, and generate a credible and positive ROI will be considered.